16 December 2008The World Loses Its Mind
Well, at least the Fed has. I guess inflation is no longer a concern?
Labels: crazy, economists, economy, federal reserve, insane, what the h**l 05 December 2008Sensible analysis on the Economy
To Peter Thiel: Yes, yes, yes!
In a conversation between Peter Robinson of the National Review and Peter Thiel of Clarium Capital Management, Mr Thiel "teases" out the true nature of our crisis. His advice should be heard by all citizens of this nation. Check it out at the Uncommon Knowledge website. Labels: bush, congress, conservative, economy, free market, gop, national review, peter thiel, robinson 01 December 2008Another FDR is Exactly What We DON'T Need
When will it end? Barack Obama is alternately our Messiah, Lincoln, and, now, FDR. Or at least pundits say he needs to be FDR. Richard Cohen's latest Washington Post column echoes this sentiment. Over the past sixty years, liberals have perpetrated the FDR myth: namely, that he brought us out of the Great Depression. The fact is HE DIDN'T.
George Will, also of the Washington Post, sums up the data destroying the FDR myth. He also elucidates another point conveniently forgotten by leftists: Herbert Hoover didn't promote laissez-faire economics. In fact, he substantially INCREASED taxes that only further impaired any possibiblity of economic recovery. And, of course, we are still experiencing the effects of the New Deal (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Social Security) that are going to bankrupt our country. So no, we certainly do NOT need another FDR. We need someone who will cut taxes to stimulate economic growth (as both JFK and Reagan proved), promote fiscal restraint (like Margaret Thatcher after the Winter of Discontent), and stay our of the free market (unfortunately, no modern president has done so to the proper extent). Then, we can experience a recovery and commence another era of American prosperity. Regrettably, Obama is not that person. |
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