13 September 2008
Weekend Review
So far, this blog has been exclusively about national stories. With that in mind, I thought I'd start off with some campus issues.
- Campus Conservatives are rarely disappointed with the DTH, because we've come to expect the DTH's [insert invective of choice here]. However, that changed (at least for me) on Thursday. The DTH ran a cover featuring a dozen or so student quotes about 9/11. One that they decided to put in bold: "Would we even be in Irag if Sept. 11 hadn't happened?" And another for good measure: "I think people's emotions about it were manipulated in the aftermath to promote an environment of fear." Now, there is a time to discuss these important topics, but that time was not Thursday. That should have been a day for remembering those who were killed and their loved ones. I'm sure the DTH could have found less impudent quotes.
- Last year, the Student Stores carried the National Review (hereafter referred to as NR) in its periodical section. This year, it doesn't (or at least, they haven't had any copies the numerous times I've checked). I realize that this story might very well affect only myself, and that the library has a copy, but this is still rather irksome. I also understand that I could just as easily get a subscription, but subscriptions come at discount prices, and I like the idea that my $4.35 (minus the sales tax) doubles the amount that I'm subsidizing NR's existence. Reverse boycott anyone? [Update: On Wednesday, September 17th I did find a single copy of the Sept. 15 copy.]
- Now, for the inevitable election coverage. This week, polls have mostly stayed stable, giving McCain a 2-5% national lead. It seems that McCain got more just than just a "Hey I saw that guy on TV" convention bounce. His new lead is built on a (however temporary) mass movement of white females to his side. That said, we all know that this election will be decided by swing states. Rasmussen published a series of polls from the most likely swing states. McCain now has slight leads in: Missouri, Nevada, Virginia, New Mexico, and Ohio (where he leads by 7%). Obama has maintained his slight leads in Colorado (the site of his convention), Michigan, and Pennsylvania. They are tied in Florida. Basically, the race is still unnervingly close.
- Excluding their genuflecting at the altar of Obama, the media's bias has been exhibited two ways recently. Of course, we all know of the monomaniacal focus on Sarah Palin. The other side of that coin is a presumably willful silence concerning the gaffes and other mistakes of Joe Biden. This week, for example, he admitted that Hillary Clinton might have made a better VP pick. Well, actually, that might not have been a mistake; that statement seems to be getting increasingly accurate.